✅ It was a great pleasure for us to host a workshop about compact biological nutrient removal with our guests from Germany.
We are thankful for the contributions of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Barjenbruch from the Department of Urban Water Management of the Technical University Berlin and Peter Wulf from the Emscher Wassertechnik GmbH, a subsidiary of Germany‘s largest utility.
More stringent effluent requirements, insufficient volumes for stormwater management, upcoming phosphorus recovery obligations and restrictions for sludge disposal based on the fertilizer ordinance are the main challenges for the most part of the more than 9.000 municipal wastewater treatment plants in Europe’s largest economy.
We have concluded that there are tremendous opportunities for our #hiasprocess in this market and have decided to establish a mutual pilot project in 2022, accordingly.
#mbbr #ebpr #wastewater #wastewatertreatment #phosphorous #nitrogen #sustainability #circulareconomy
